Package com.abstractics.utils.swing

Class Summary
AdjustableQuestionDialog The AdjustableQuestionDialog object is a wrapper around a JDialog that contains an AdjustableQuestionPanel object.
AdjustableQuestionPanel The AdjustableQuestionPanel is used to show various label/value items that allow a varying number of questions to be given.
CaseAndLengthDocumentFilter Implementation of a DocumentFilter that can place length restrictions on the document, as well as force case (upper or lower) if necessary.
MultilineLabel An extension of JTextArea to make it look and behave like a JLabel, thereby giving a JLabel multiline support.
PopupTextFocusListener Abstract FocusListener that can be implemented to cause a popup box (similar to a tool tip) to appear below a component when focus is received in the component.
SwingUtils Various static method utilities for dealing with Swing related tasks.
TextFieldFocusSelectsAll FocusListener for JTextComponents that will cause the text in the component to be selected when the component receives focus.