CachingConverterWrapper - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.CachingConverterWrapper.
An instance of ObjectConverter that can wrap another ObjectConverter and provide caching for the objects that are converted.
CachingConverterWrapper(ObjectConverter) - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.CachingConverterWrapper
CaseAndLengthDocumentFilter - class com.abstractics.utils.swing.CaseAndLengthDocumentFilter.
Implementation of a DocumentFilter that can place length restrictions on the document, as well as force case (upper or lower) if necessary.
CaseAndLengthDocumentFilter(String) - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.swing.CaseAndLengthDocumentFilter
CaseAndLengthDocumentFilter(int) - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.swing.CaseAndLengthDocumentFilter
CaseAndLengthDocumentFilter(String, int) - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.swing.CaseAndLengthDocumentFilter
ComponentCreator - interface com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.ComponentCreator.
ComponentCreator is an interface that can be implemented to create components via the ComponentFactory.
ComponentCreatorUtils - class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.ComponentCreatorUtils.
This utility class contains static methods for handling common needs in configuring a Component with the XML that was provided.
ComponentFactory - class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.ComponentFactory.
Singleton factory that can create Swing components from XML.
ComponentFactory() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.ComponentFactory
Constructor left as protected for testing purposes, but in general, this class is a singleton and should be used via the getInstance() method.
Converter - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.Converter.
Singleton that can translate objects into other objects.
ConverterBoolean - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterBoolean.
Converts to a java.lang.Boolean object.
ConverterBoolean() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterBoolean
ConverterBorder - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterBorder.
Converts the given object into a String via the toString() method and then converts the String into a javax.swing.border.Border object.
ConverterBorder() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterBorder
ConverterCharacter - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterCharacter.
Converts the given object into a String via the toString() method and then returns the first character of the String.
ConverterCharacter() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterCharacter
ConverterColor - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterColor.
Converts the given object into a String via the toString() method and then converts the String into a java.awt.Color object.
ConverterColor() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterColor
ConverterDimension - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterDimension.
Converts the given object into a String via the toString() method and then converts the String into a java.awt.Dimension based on a String format of widthXsize (x is case-insensitive).

For example, 200x300 translates to 200 width and 300 height.
ConverterDimension() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterDimension
ConverterFont - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterFont.
Converts the given object into a String via the toString() method and then converts the String into a java.awt.Font object.
Fonts are specified in FontName,Style,Size order.
ConverterFont() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterFont
ConverterImageIcon - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterImageIcon.
Converts the given object into a String via the toString() method and then converts the String into a javax.swing.ImageIcon object.

The string is expected to be a URL pointing to a valid image resource.
ConverterImageIcon() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterImageIcon
ConverterInsets - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterInsets.
Converts the given object into a String via the toString() method and then converts the String into a java.awt.Insets object.
Insets contain 4 numbers generally used for padding and margin notation.
ConverterInsets() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterInsets
ConverterNumber - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterNumber.
Converter that can handle converting an object into the java.lang.Number subclass specified in the constructor.
ConverterNumber(Class) - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterNumber
ConverterRectangle - class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterRectangle.
Converts the given object into a String via the toString() method and then converts the String into a java.awt.Rectangle based on a String format of x,y,width,height.

For example, 0,0,100,200 translates into a rectangle at x/y 0,0 with a width of 100 and a height of 200
ConverterRectangle() - Constructor for class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterRectangle
centerWindowToScreen(Window) - Static method in class com.abstractics.utils.swing.SwingUtils
Given a Window object, this method will set it's top/left corner so that the window is centered to the screen using its preferred size.
classNameOnly(Class) - Static method in class com.abstractics.utils.StringUtils
clearAnswers() - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.swing.AdjustableQuestionPanel
Iterates through all of the answer objects and resets them to default, or clears them.
com.abstractics.utils - package com.abstractics.utils
com.abstractics.utils.converter - package com.abstractics.utils.converter
com.abstractics.utils.swing - package com.abstractics.utils.swing
com.abstractics.utils.xml - package com.abstractics.utils.xml
com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing - package com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing
com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator - package com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator
com.abstractics.xmlpanel.xmllayout - package com.abstractics.xmlpanel.xmllayout
constructComponent(Element, XmlPanel) - Method in class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.AbstractComponentCreator
Given an element representing a cell in an XMLPanel, this method should construct the appropriate Component for the type that this component is looking for, setting all of the properties necessary.

This method will be called by this abstract class to create the component before setting the properties and border.
constructComponent(Element, XmlPanel) - Method in class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.GenericClassComponentCreator
Instantiates an object using the no-argument constructor of the class that was used to instatiate this object.
This implementation also takes into account any existing component in the panel.
constructComponent(Element, XmlPanel) - Method in class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.JScrollPaneCreator
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.CachingConverterWrapper
Implemented here to intercept conversion calls and check for the objects in the cache first.
convert(Object, Class) - Static method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.Converter
Chained method that calls Converter.convert(Object, Class, Locale) with the default locale returned from Locale.getDefault()
convert(Object, Class, Locale) - Static method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.Converter
Converts the given object into an instance of the given class, using ObjectConverters that have been registered.
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterBoolean
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterBorder
Converts to a Border, using the obj.toString() to parse from
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterCharacter
Returns the first character of the toString() method.
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterColor
Converts to a Color, using known colors if possible
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterDimension
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterFont
Converts to a Font using the Font.decode method
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterImageIcon
Uses the toString() of the object to get a URL and build an ImageIcon
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterInsets
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterNumber
Since all of the subclasses of java.lang.Number have a constructor that takes a single String, we use that to do the conversion.
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.ConverterRectangle
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.DefaultingConverterWrapper
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in interface com.abstractics.utils.converter.ObjectConverter
convert(Object, Locale) - Method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.UrlConverter
convertStringAlign(String, int) - Static method in class com.abstractics.utils.swing.SwingUtils
Converts String alignments (left, right, north, middle, etc.) into SwingConstants compass alignment values (NORTH, SOUTH, CENTER, etc.)
convertToBoolean(Object) - Static method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.Converter
Convenience method to return a primative boolean from conversion
convertToDouble(Object) - Static method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.Converter
Convenience method to return a primative double from conversion
convertToInt(Object) - Static method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.Converter
Convenience method to return a primative int from conversion
convertToLong(Object) - Static method in class com.abstractics.utils.converter.Converter
Convenience method to return a primative long from conversion
create() - Static method in class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.XmlPanel
Deprecated. Factory method is no longer needed. Use the XmlPanel.XmlPanel() constructor.
create(XmlPanel) - Static method in class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.XmlPanelEditDialog
Factory method to create the XmlPanelEditDialog object against the given XmlPanel
createComponent(Element, XmlPanel) - Method in class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.XmlPanel.XmlPanelComponentCreator
createComponent(Element, XmlPanel) - Method in class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.AbstractComponentCreator
createComponent(Element, XmlPanel) - Method in interface com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.ComponentCreator
Given an element representing a cell in an XMLPanel, this method should construct the appropriate Component for the type that this component is looking for, setting all of the properties necessary.
The XmlPanel is given in case it is needed to determine properties of the component.
createComponent(Element, XmlPanel) - Method in class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.ComponentFactory
Gets the XmlPanelComponentCreator according to the "type" attribute specified in the element, then calls the createComponent method on the creator to generate the Component.
createComponent(Element) - Method in class com.abstractics.xmlpanel.swing.componentcreator.ComponentFactory
Calls the other createComponent method with a null XmlPanel parameter